Mild-to-Moderate Acne: How Can My Rexall Pharmacist Help?

The facts about acne

Acne is one of the most common skin problems and usually starts about the time a person hits puberty.

  • Acne affects the face, neck, chest, upper back, and upper arms most often and is caused by clogging of the pores of your skin by greasy secretions from oil glands.
  • Acne symptoms can range from mild to moderate to severe. Mild and moderate acne is associated with pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and oily skin. Severe acne is described as acne that has progressed to several large cysts or nodules that are firm and tender beneath the skin’s surface. Severe acne can lead to scarring and should be treated by a skin specialist.

If you have mild-to-moderate acne, talk with your Rexall Pharmacist

The good news is that along with important skin care tips, your Rexall Pharmacist can recommend and prescribe many different skin products to treat mild-to-moderate acne. Daily skin care includes cleansing the affected areas gently (no scrubbing) with mild soap or other mild cleansers, as recommended by your Rexall Pharmacist, twice daily. Pimples should not be squeezed or scraped. Use only oil-free, water-based cosmetics, hair products, creams, and lotions. Reducing your stress level may help to reduce problems with acne. Unfortunately, antibacterial cleansers and changes in diet have not been shown to be effective in reducing acne problems.

What can my Rexall Pharmacist prescribe to help manage my acne?

There are many treatments and treatment combinations available for the management of acne. Your Rexall Pharmacist can prescribe the product that best suits your situation. Creams and gels are most often used to treat mild-to-moderate acne. The medicinal ingredients in these products are antibiotics, retinoids, and/or benzoyl peroxide. You should know that initial worsening of your condition may occur for the first two weeks of treatment and that it may take up to 12 weeks for maximum improvement to occur, so be patient! Usually, one to two pea-sized amounts of cream or gel are sufficient to cover the entire face. The product should quickly disappear, but if it doesn’t, then the amount used for the next application should be reduced. If your Rexall Pharmacist prescribes a product containing benzoyl peroxide or retinoids, you will be advised to use a SPF 15 to 30 sunscreen since this medication can increase sensitivity to the effects of the sun.