Power Up For Your Day

We know it’s tough to juggle so many responsibilities - such as family and work - without feeling a little worn out. Short of cloning yourself, though, you could probably use some real-life, practical ways to help you tackle your daily to-do list. We thought we’d save you some time thinking about it.

Here are some ways to make sure you bank enough energy for your busy day.

Pop a daily multivitamin. Formulas generally contain 100% of your daily requirements for essential nutrients, so even if your diet isn’t perfect, you can give yourself a little nutrition insurance. Opting for a women’s formula will give you extra iron and folic acid. Ask your Rexall™ family pharmacist about finding the right multivitamin for you.

Nab some quiet time. Studies show that unwanted noise - like a jackhammer or your neighbour’s stereo - can raise blood pressure and stress hormones in your body. So try to find a quite spot for a few minutes a day. Or ask your kids to show you how you can download some relaxing tunes on an iPod, so you can tune out.

Watch your caffeine intake. Remember, what goes up must come down, so you want to avoid the post-caffeine slump whether you’re midway through your workday or heading home. Also, taper off your intake late in the day, since it might interfere with a good night’s sleep.

Hit the home spa. Maybe you don’t have time to book a 3-hour spa appointment, or you’ve simply misplaced that still unused spa gift certificate from last Mother’s Day. That’s okay, we know relaxing can be a tough job.  Rexall™ can make it easier. Visit your nearby Rexall™ pharmacy to stock up on some self-indulgent spa products such as bath salts, aromatherapy massage oil, cooling gel eye pads, and facial beauty masks, so you’re always ready to relax at a moment’s notice.

Stay hydrated. One of the first signs of even mild dehydration is fatigue. So make sure to drink enough water - it helps to keep a bottle in your car, desk drawer, and gym bag. If you don’t enjoy plain H2O, try herbal tea or one of a growing number of “flavoured water” products that are calorie and caffeine-free.

Enlist a little help from Rexall™. You have enough things to remember, so take advantage of our Rexall™ Reminder service to help you keep track of refills for your kids, partner, or parents.