Hemorrhoids: How Can My Rexall Pharmacist Help?

The facts about hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is not a topic that many people like to talk about, but the condition is common, affecting about 50% of Canadians by age 50. External hemorrhoids form under the skin and around the anus. Internal hemorrhoids form in the lining of the anus and lower rectum. Hemorrhoids are caused by straining during bowel movements because of constipation and sitting on the toilet for long periods of time. A low-fibre diet increases the risk for getting hemorrhoids since it can lead to chronic constipation. People who frequently lift heavy objects are at higher risk for hemorrhoids as are older individuals and pregnant women. Bothersome symptoms of hemorrhoids include itching, swelling, burning, and pain in the anal area. 

If you experience bothersome symptoms of hemorrhoids, talk with your Rexall Pharmacist

If you have bothersome symptoms of hemorrhoids, you should see your Rexall Pharmacist. They will assess your condition to ensure that you do not have any signs and symptoms that would be better treated by a doctor or other health professional. In addition to suggesting or prescribing treatment for your symptoms, your Rexall Pharmacist can recommend other ways to manage symptoms of hemorrhoids, such as increasing your fluid and fibre intake and using a sitz bath. Your Rexall Pharmacist will also check to see if you are taking any medications that might be causing constipation. 

What can my Rexall Pharmacist prescribe to relieve hemorrhoid symptoms?

Your Rexall Pharmacist can assess your situation and discuss the benefits and risks of available treatment options based on your personal circumstances. If deemed appropriate, your Rexall Pharmacist may prescribe a medication to meet your treatment needs. Medications used to manage hemorrhoid symptoms include ointments and creams that often contain a combination of ingredients to soothe itch, burning and irritation, shrink the hemorrhoids, numb pain, reduce swelling, and dry the anal area. If you have any questions about your condition or your treatment, or feel that your medication may be causing side effects, don’t hesitate to ask your Rexall Pharmacist at any time.