Impetigo: How Can My Rexall Pharmacist Help?

The facts about impetigo

Many people believe impetigo is a skin infection that only occurs in school-age children, but it can occur in infants and adults, as well. The type of impetigo that occurs most often is called “non-bullous” impetigo. Symptoms that first occur are red sores usually located around the nose and mouth. The sores burst within a few days and leak a fluid that turns into a honey-coloured crust. The sores left behind leave a red mark that may be itchy but heal up within two to three weeks without scarring. Minor injuries to the skin or skin conditions such as eczema may cause broken skin, which then increases the risk for a person being infected with the bacteria that causes impetigo. Close contact with a person who has impetigo, and hot, humid weather further increases the risk. 

If you think you or a family member has impetigo, talk with your Rexall Pharmacist

If you think you or a family member has impetigo, you should see your Rexall Pharmacist as soon as possible. Early treatment can reduce the length of the illness and reduce the risk of spreading the infection to others. Your Rexall Pharmacist can assess your condition to ensure that you do not have any signs and symptoms that would be better treated by a doctor or other health professional. In addition to suggesting treatment for the symptoms, your Rexall Pharmacist will let you and your family member know about other ways to prevent the spread of impetigo and how to take care of the sores caused by the condition. 

What can my Rexall Pharmacist prescribe to relieve impetigo symptoms?

Your Rexall Pharmacist can assess your situation and discuss benefits and risks of available treatment options based on your personal circumstances. If deemed appropriate, your Rexall Pharmacist may prescribe an ointment or cream that will help the sores associated with impetigo heal more quickly and prevent spread of the infection to others. If you have any questions about your condition or your treatment, or feel that your medication may be causing side effects, don’t hesitate to ask your Rexall Pharmacist at any time.