Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): How Can My Rexall Pharmacist Help?

The facts about conjunctivitis (pink eye)

The word “conjunctivitis” means irritation and swelling of the eye. The treatment of conjunctivitis or “pink eye” depends on whether it is caused by allergies, a bacterial infection, or a virus. The symptoms can vary depending on the cause, as well. Pink eye caused by allergies results in both eyes being very itchy. Bacterial infection of the eyes usually causes a person to have crusty or sticky eyelids when they wake up in the morning. Pink eye caused by a virus leads to watery and red eyes with no itching, and often with a feeling like there is something in the eye. 

Do you think that you or a family member has conjunctivitis? Talk with your Rexall Pharmacist.

If you think that you or a family member might have conjunctivitis, you should see your Rexall Pharmacist. They can assess your condition to ensure that you do not have any signs and symptoms that would be better treated by a doctor or other health professional. For example, conjunctivitis that is caused by a virus should be treated by a doctor or eye care specialist. If your conjunctivitis is likely caused by allergies or a bacterial infection, your Rexall Pharmacist will be able to help you manage your condition. 

What can my Rexall Pharmacist prescribe to relieve my conjunctivitis symptoms?

After discussion with your Rexall Pharmacist, if your eye problem is caused by allergies or by a bacterial infection, they will assess your situation and discuss benefits and risks of available treatment options. If deemed appropriate, your Rexall Pharmacist may prescribe a medication for you. Your Rexall Pharmacist will also provide tips on how to prevent your eye problem from occurring in the future. In the case of bacterial conjunctivitis, they will give you advice on how to prevent the spread of the infection to others. If you have any questions about your condition or your treatment, or feel that your medication may be causing side effects, don’t hesitate to ask your Rexall Pharmacist at any time.