Pinworms (Threadworms): How Can My Rexall Pharmacist Help?

The facts about pinworm infestation

If a child complains about itching in the anal area at night, there is a good chance that they have a pinworm infestation.

  • Pinworms, also called threadworms, are about 1 cm in length and have the appearance of small pieces of thread. Pinworm infestations usually affect children 5-14 years of age and rarely occur in children less than two years of age.
  • To confirm a pinworm infestation, it is necessary to see the egg or the pinworm itself. One way to do this is to use a flashlight to examine the anus of the child after they have been sleeping for 2-3 hours. The pinworms should be placed in alcohol or vinegar and brought to a clinic for confirmation of the diagnosis. There are other methods of identifying pinworms. Speak with your Rexall Pharmacist about your options.

Do you think that your child has a pinworm infestation? Talk with your Rexall Pharmacist!

If you think that your child has a pinworm infestation, you should see your Rexall Pharmacist for a Minor illnesses assessment. Your Rexall Pharmacist will talk to you about the condition and ensure that your child does not have any symptoms that would be better treated by a doctor. In addition to discussing treatment options, your Rexall Pharmacist will give you tips on how to prevent pinworm infestation from being passed to other family members. Suggestions may include keeping fingernails clean and short and avoiding putting fingers in the mouth, especially before meals and after using the bathroom or scratching the anal area. Family members should avoid bathing with each other or reusing or sharing washcloths while being treated and for two weeks afterwards.

What can my Rexall Pharmacist prescribe to treat pinworm infestation?

There are three different medications (mebendazole, pyrantel pamoate, albendazole) used for treating pinworm infestation. One dose of the prescribed medication is taken initially, and a second dose taken two weeks later. Treatment with mebendazole requires a third dose to be taken after four weeks. Your Rexall Pharmacist may recommend that all family members be treated at the same time, regardless of infestation, to break the cycle of infestation. Your Rexall Pharmacist will ensure that you understand the possible side effects of the medication and what to do should you experience an adverse effect.