Musculoskeletal Sprains and Strains: How Can My Rexall Pharmacist Help?

The facts about sprains and strains

Sprains and strains are common injuries affecting the muscles and ligaments that can be very painful. Sprains are a result of a stretch or tear of a ligament that connects one bone to another. Common examples include ankle sprains and wrist sprains. Strains can happen from pulling or tearing of muscle fibres. Examples of strains include a pulled hamstring (back of the thigh) and forearm strains. 

If you or your family member needs help with a sprain or strain, see your Rexall Pharmacist

If you have had an incident resulting in a sprain or strain, see your Rexall Pharmacist.  Your Rexall Pharmacist can assess your condition to ensure that you do not have any signs and symptoms that would be better treated by a doctor or other health professional. In addition to suggesting treatment for your symptoms, your Rexall Pharmacist will recommend other ways to manage the discomfort from your sprain or strain, such as following the RICE protocol (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) or using crutches or other aids. Your Rexall Pharmacist will also provide tips on how to help prevent sprains and strains in the future.  

What can my Rexall Pharmacist prescribe to relieve the discomfort of sprains and strains?

Your Rexall Pharmacist can assess your situation and discuss benefits and risks of available treatment options based on your personal circumstances. If deemed appropriate, your Rexall Pharmacist may prescribe a medication to relieve the pain and reduce the swelling caused by the sprain or strain. The most common medications used for treatment of sprains and strains are pain relievers called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and naproxen. If you have any questions about your condition or your treatment, or feel that your medication may be causing side effects, don’t hesitate to ask your Rexall Pharmacist at any time.